Zeolites Mining Process
What is Zeolites
Zeolites are a group of silicate minerals with unusual properties with industrial importance. They usually form beautiful well-formed crystals with pale colors, and are relatively soft and can be crushed and powdered. They are found in geologically young volcanic fields. Most common zeolite minerals are analcime, chabazite, clinoptilite, mordenite, natrolite, heulandite, phillipsite and stilbite.
Zeolites Mining
Both bedded sedimentary and thick vitroclastic zeolite deposits are mined by surface methods. Conventional earth-moving equipment, including scrapers and loaders, are used to mine the zeolite bed. Selective mining and blending during removal or stockpiling controls any variation in the purity of the ores. Sampling drill holes, the area being mined, the haulage truck, and the process stream are all used for quality control.
Zeolite Uses
Used in water softeners, catalysts, cat litter, odor control, and for removing radioactive ions from nuclear plant effluent. Zeolites contain water in the spaces between the aluminum and silica molecules (tetrahedra). This water moves easily in and out of the crystal. Consequently, any molecule similar in size to water or smaller can pass through the spaces in the zeolite. Larger molecules, however, cannot. Zeolites are therefore used as sieves or filters to remove molecules of a particular size. Liquids and gases can pass through these spaces or pores. This property is utilized in a wide variety of industrial, agricultural and home applications, such as soap and detergents, water purification systems, crop development, and in the medical field.
JXSC Mining Processing
---Diamond Processing Plant---
8TPH Diamond Mining Process in Angola
18TPH Alluvial Gold & Diamond Mining Process in Angola
50TPH Alluvial Diamond Mining Process in Central African
50TPH Diamond Extraction Process Flow Chart
60TPH Alluvial Diamond Extraction Process in Venezuela
75TPH Diamond Dense Medium Separation Process in Congo
---Chrome Processing Plant---
1.2TPH Chromite Ore Beneficiation Process Flow
15TPH Chrome Ore Beneficiation Process in Ukraine
24TPH Chrome Ore Processing Plant in South Africa
25TPH Chromite Ore Concentrating Plant in South Africa
50TPH Chromite Ore Beneficiation Process in South Africa
---Silica Processing Plant---
50TPH Silica Sand Processing Plant in Indonesia
65TPH Silica Sand Washing Plant in Malaysia
100TPH Silica Sand Processing & Washing Plant in Malaysia
20TPH Beach Sand Mining Plant in India
100TPH Beach Sand Zircon Mining Plant in Sierra Leone
---Coltan Processing Plant---
10TPH Coltan Ore Mining Plant in Liberia
10TPH Alluvial Coltan Process Plant In Mozambique
20TPH Tantalum Niobium Mining Plant in Uganda
25TPH Tantalite Mining Plant in Burundi
100TPH Alluvial Coltan Processing Plant in Nigeria
100TPH Tantalite Ore Processing Plant in Sierra Leone
150TPH Coltan Ore Processing Plant in Ghana
---Lead, zinc, iron, manganese, etc---
15TPH Tailings Lead & Barite Extraction Plant in Iran
30TPH Rock Lead Zinc Process Plant in Morocco
200TPH Rock Manganese Mining Plant in Zambia
150TPH Iron Ore Processing Plant in Malaysia
8TPH Gold & Tin Extraction Process in Zimbabwe
10TPH Tin Ore Slag Beneficiation Processing Plant in Malaysia
50TPH Alluvial Tin Ore Mining Plant in Nigeria
3TPH Barite Beneficiation Process Plant in Morocco
---Gold Washing Plant---
0.5TPH Portable Hard Rock Gold Processing Plant in Sudan
0.5TPH Small Rock Gold Processing Plant In Sudan
1T/H Rock Gold Processing Plant In India
2TPH Quartzite Gold Wash Plant In Africa
2TPH Small Scale Rock Gold Processing Plant In Congo
4TPH Gold Ore Processing Plant In Zimbabwe
5T/H Rock Gold Processing Plant In Tanzania
5TPH Quartz Rock Gold Mining Process in Nigeria
10TPH Alluvial Coltan Process Plant In Mozambique
10TPH Copper Mining Process Plant In Zambia
10TPH Sulfide Gold Processing Plant In Ghana
20TPH Rock Contain Gold Mining Process in Zimbabwe
20TPH Alluvial Gold & Hard Rock Gold Processing Plant in Madagascar
30TPH Placer Gold & Rock Gold Wash Plant in Zambia
50TPH Gold Washing Plant In Uzbekistan
50TPH Alluvial Gold Mining Process In Ghana
50TPH Alluvial Gold Washing Plant In Sierra Leone
60TPH Wheel Mobile Gold Processing Plant In Mali
60TPH Gold Processing Plant In Russia
60TPH Mobile Alluvial Gold Wash Plant In Ghana
60TPH Small Portable Gold Wash Plant in Mali
75TPH Hard Rock Gold Mining Plant in Sudan
100TPH Clay Alluvial Gold Washing Plant In Ghana
100TPH Alluvial Gold & Diamond Processing Plant in Congo
100TPH Rock Copper & Cobalt Ore Process Plant In Congo
100TPH Tailings Copper & Zinc Process Plant In Kyrgyzstan
100TPH Gold Tailings Processing Plant In Uganda
100TPH Placer Gold Processing Plant In Kyrgyzstan
100TPH Alluvial Deposit Gold Processing Plant In Ghana
100TPH Alluvial Gold Wash Plant In Suriname
100TPH Alluvial Rock Gold Washing Plant In Mozambique
167THP Crusher Plant and 42TPH Rock Gold Processing Plant In Zimbabwe
200TPH Alluvial Gold Wash Plant In Ghana