Augite Mining


Augite is a rock-forming mineral of the pyroxene group commonly found within igneous and metamorphic rocks. Because its chemical structure is highly variable, augite might be considered by some to be its own group of minerals rather than an individual mineral. It is also known for its remarkable luster (shine off of a reflective surface).


TypeCrystal System
Mineral ClassificationColor
PyroxeneBlack, brown, greenish, violet-brown; in thin section, colorless to gray
Chemical FormulaLuster
8[(Ca,Na)(Mg,Fe,Al,Ti)(Si,Al)2O6]Vitreous and dull
Light green to colorlessRanges from splintery to uneven
Mohs Hardness

Augite is a mineral of interest to geologists, and collectors. While it has little to no industrial value, the presence and development of augite may help tell scientists and geologists about Earth’s history in certain regions.

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